
Friday, 30 December 2011


Well tis New Years Eve Eve, which just confused me no end (but that s a daily occurrence, in fact I'm normally confused) and I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all of you have either give me ideas, helped me out by product testing or bought something from me!

2012 I will be attempting (please note the attempting part) to start doing craft stalls and the local farmers market, so that should be rather exciting. I also have plans to start making more ornaments along the lines of the dragons,  I have 50 squillion ideas so far, no idea at all if any of them are even possible to make though, fun times! More one off pieces and more dreamcatchers as I have been neglecting them dreadfully.

Also possibly some tutorials on how I make the designs I do, I know there are loads of tutorials to be found on line, but everyone has a favourite way of doing things.

If any of you have anything you would like to see me attempt to make (within reason) please let me know!

Massive love to all of you and I hope your New Year is fabby and marvellous!