
Wednesday, 7 March 2012


Feeing a bit sorry for myself at the moment really. I have had no orders since before Christmas now, and as I need the orders to be able to get the rings to make new things with I can't make many more designs up (of which I have a notebook full of). So I am in the age old catch 22 situation of to carry on and hope I sell a few things so I can make new designs or just give up and make the bits for myself when I can afford rings and things.

This isn't a plea for everyone to buy something, just me feeling a bit down and out of sorts about everything, so some nice words of encouragement would be ever so much appreciated.

On a lighter note, I was bored earlier so decided to have a lookie loo on Google for chainmaille jewellery, and DEAR GODS! HOW much do some people charge?? There was a necklace for sale (using aluminium like I do) and they wanted £180 for it, I nearly choked on my hot cross bun! I could make the same one and sell it for £30 whilst making a profit! So I may use some rings up and make one to show you later, just cos I can. Even better it can't be a copywrited design cos it's an ancient one, so who holds the copywrite for it, now I am going to start confusing myself. I'm still shocked at some of the prices, fair enough for sterling silver or gold, but not ally.

Now I am going to drink more coffee and bandage my sons hand up, as he has just been sent home from school with a bashed up hand, again.... When do teen boys grow out of playing the "punch mates arm to give them a dead arm game"?  Answers on the back of a postcard, or in a comment below. Thanks!!

Mucho love xo

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